I think I just woke up one day and figured out what I was doing wrong with my previous purse making efforts. I'm still not sure if I figured it out in a dream or if it just 'wasn't the right time' to figure it out, but either way, I've been consumed with purses. From clutches to sacks to regular ol' squares and rectangles. From buttons to snaps. From ribbons to leather.
I'm not going to bore you with too many pics at once, just these first couple of efforts created prior to my discovery of my invisible thread stash. Frankly, it was taking twice as long to complete an item because it was taking so long to find matching thread in my bins. I do want to say that I am having so much fun with them! At
I'm not going to bore you with too many pics at once, just these first couple of efforts created prior to my discovery of my invisible thread stash. Frankly, it was taking twice as long to complete an item because it was taking so long to find matching thread in my bins. I do want to say that I am having so much fun with them! At
night I sit in bed with my little side lamp on so as not to keep hubby awake and look at my swatches, match things up, draft some designs and when I get home from work the next day and after dinner with the fam I hit my studio with all pistons firing. It's so fulfilling and I've already had some oohs and aahs from coworkers and in-laws. And I have already had a denim request for purchase (yay!!!). After mucho research I've settled on my price points as well, so I'm on my way with this new line of items!